Monday, 15 November 2010

Toothless Afghani -2-

So TOM thinks its cute to tell me he is going to marry an Afghani whenever he is upset with me (flipping cheek!) and as a result, I call his stupid imaginary wife a toothless Afghani.

Tonight, he had been calling me all night but I was on the phone with my best friend who I hadn't spoken to in AGES! Tabarakallah so there was a lot of catching up to do innit?!

When I finally spoke to him, this is what follows:

TOM: Duchess, I've been calling you since forever man, I proper missed you all day and really wanted to talk to you.
Duchess: awwww tabarakallah I'm sorry I was on the phone to my friend
TOM: I figured. You talk too much on the phone. You know what, I don't miss you anymore, I'm gonna go marry my Afghani woman.
Duchess: What the toothless one?
TOM: Yeah, I'll give her dentures as her mahr*


*mahr is the gift a bride receives from the groom.

1 comment:

  1. This one's a 'keeper'!!! I've heard other wives use 'names' to refer to their 'co-wives'.. but this one is the best by far!! lol.. and she's not even real!! That's the best part of it :D
