Sunday, 21 November 2010


Duchess: You know cos I'm black and you're white (he is actually turkish cypriot) when we have kids Insha Allah, they are gonna be birracial yes?
TOM: Yeah....
Duchess: Well if THEY get married, then you know one of us is gonna be lost innit
TOM: What do you mean?
Duchess: Well if they marry another black person, then your lineage is lost as they would be black and if they marry another white person, then I'm lost cos they would come out more white isn't it.
TOM: ok my kids are only marrying Turks. Sorry Duchess but we have to preserve the Ottoman Turks.
Duchess: You must be joking, they are only marrying hausa, we have to preserve the pure blood.
TOM: but it can't be all lost cos...there MUST be something about them that would indicate one of their "lost" lineage isn't it?
Duchess: Ok, take me for instance, I have to literally say Wallahi that my great grandfather is Lebaneese yes? If you see me, would you immediately know that I have an arab in my lineage?
TOM: *looks closely* oh yeaaaaaahhhhh....subhanallah you are so right. Imagine on Yawwmal Qiyaamah if your grandfather comes and the angels are like "here is your lineage" and he is like "where?" and they are like"here is your lineage over there" and he is like "but where I can't see them" and they are like "well, turn on the light"

Oh my *&%£$ husband, ever the racist!



  1. Asalamu A'laikum Duchess, It doesn't matter man! All that matters is that the brats will be loved. And when its time to whooop their little behinds, bring them my way. You KNOW habaryar "K" will do it with pride. The Somali way!

  2. 'Alaikum salaam wa Rahmatullah Miss K, yeah man you KNOW that's true ;) lol

  3. Oh Dutches... you guys are way too funny!!! MashaAllah!! whatever the color, whatever the race... theirs will be a 'pure' soul to bring the two of you peace and happiness!!! :D

  4. loooool masha Allah tabarakallah. Allahumma amine Insha Allah hun <3
