Monday, 15 November 2010

No followers :(

Ok, I  know I just started this blog so there is no way I'm gonna have followers but dammit! Seeing that is a bit depressing :(

Would it be sad if I started following myself? Ok yes it would be...

FOLLOW ME PEOPLE! Thank you :)



  1. ...I know the feeling Dutches.. so I'll "follow" you!! LOL :)

  2. aww thank you thank you Ms Umm Umar. I'm gonna be checking out your site too Insha Allah. Eid Mubarak by the way. As salaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh xxxx

  3. Wa'alaikum Salaam wa Rahmatullah Dutches, so nice to meet you and please stop by anytime!! :D

  4. As salaamu alaykum wa Rahmat Allah.
    You broke my heart with this post and your sad, forlorn face (yep, I have a vivid imagination). I'm following you too, so you can have a little "blog-cred."

    You have made me laugh, mashaa'Allah - jazaaki Allahu khayran!

  5. 'Alaikum salaam wa Rahmatullah Mai,

    lol. Jazakillahu Khairan for following me. I will soon check your blog Insha Allah <3
