Thursday, 18 November 2010

Mr Potato head

So I decided to make Potato and tuna bake for TOM yesterday cos:

1. We didn't have enough ingredients to make anythingelse
2. I had to go teach so couldn't go shopping anyway.

So TOM came home from work and called me on the phone saying what was there to eat and I was like, it's healthy cos you asked me to make you something healthy and its baked and not fried. He was like what is it and I'm like, its a surprise.

So he was like, what time do you finish teaching so I'll wait for you and we can eat together and I'm like aww ok so and so time.

Anyway when I came home, TOM was like, ALHAMDULILLAH, I'm starving and so he proceeds to open the oven and look.

TOM: Hmm it looks delicious
Duchess: Alhamdulillah, I got the recipe off the net
TOM: Can't wait to start eating I'm starving
Duchess: Ok, I'll just heat it up in the microwave.

So we are eating when all of a sudden TOM goes

" this it? I mean, ain't there nothing inside besides...potato"
"Don't judge me, this is your people's food (ie non black. Don't judge me people, I married a white man so I'm not racist :p) and plus there is tuna inside and cheese"
"Duchess, this is pure POTATO and...oh i'm sorry, pardon me...STRINGS of tuna"
"TOM, you said you wanted healthy food so...its healthy innit?"

Anyways, TOM is sleeping now and I'm like can you MOVE, you are pressing on me and I'm on the laptop so please don't break it. (I talk to him when he is sleeping)

TOM: *screams like a girl while he is sleeping* I'm having a nightmare, I'm being chased by potatoes



  1. "..what was there to eat and I was like, it's healthy cos you asked me to make you something healthy and its baked and not fried. He was like what is it and I'm like, its a surprise." You are quite the "Diplomat" Dutchess.. lol Love it!!! ..just next time: USE TWO + CANS OF TUNA!!!! ..and then he'll be 'chased' by the 'tuna-guy' in his dreams instead!! ;b

  2. yeah loool he calls me the lawyer cos he can NEVER win an arguement muhahaha. will DEF take note on more tuna insha Allah ;)
