Tuesday, 30 November 2010

this made me laugh today

I was reading Mama...I married a Masri's blog posts. This post was written on 27/9/2010 titled tiny little rant: Don't call me "UMM"

Now when I read a post, I like reading the  subsequent comments as well when I came across this comment by a sister called Asiya:

I know lots of guys who name their kids so that they can have a certain kunya. I've yet to meet a girl that narcissistic.
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool that was too funny for words because I do that! I've been laughing so hard subhanallah. Ok it might not be funny to anyone but trust me, ask Tom, I'm like "what do you think of the name blah blah blah?" ok maybe not cos Umm blah blah blah doesn't sound good so maybe not. What about blah blah blah and so on. That is way too funny subhanallah. Aww may Allah preserve the sister and always never give her cause to be sad in this life and the next


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