Saturday, 20 November 2010

kids :)

So TOM and I were discussing...ok EID MUBARAK firstly. May Allah accept all our good deeds this year gone and the efforts of the hujjaaj (is that how you say it?)

Anywhoo TOM and I were discussing how we would want our kids to look like Insha Allah.

TOM: I hope they have your eye shape
Duchess: I hope they have your eye colour
and so on and so forth, till he thought he was being funny when he said

TOM: I hope they have your grizzly legs
Duchess: (after the long solo laugh had finished, and I mean solo cos HE was the only laughing *roll eyes*) Yeah, well I hope they have your rug of a back.
TOM: ok Astaghfirullah we should stop now cos our children are gonna end up looking like apes :s



  1. LOL!!!'ll be amazed, when it actually happens, at how "Perfect" your children will be!!! the Grace of Allah who is THE SHAPER and MAKER!!! I still find myself dumb-struck when I look at any of my children and can tell from "who" he got "that" from... All I can say is "Allah IS Akbar"!!! and the two of you will have the most amazing kids in the whole wide world, InshaAllah!!! ..just wait and see! :D

  2. INSHA ALLAH! Jazakillahu Khairan hun <3
