Monday, 15 November 2010

Gold fish...and other things golden :)

So TOM and I are having dinner:

TOM: you know I had to give my gold fish CPR once
Duchess: really subhanallah, what happened?
TOM: well I could see it wasn't breathing in its bowl, so I took it out and started breathing into it and pumping its chest
Duchess: woah o_O, did it live?
TOM: (gives me a look only reserved for slow people) ok you doughnut, its a joke
Duchess: (slightly annoyed but not showing it so says in a sing song voice) I see someone doesn't want prime real estate*
TOM: Oh shush, it still doesn't stop you from being slow though :)


* that statement refers to the fact that the Rassul salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said "I guarantee a house in the middle of Paradise for the one who leave of lying even if it be in jest"


  1. GOOD ONE!!!! ..will that be the end of his jokes?

  2. no I think he will forget and make another joke but will keep you posted. He keeps saying it to me as well. DAMMIT!!!! :)
