Monday, 15 November 2010

kitten dilemma

Ok TOM and I have two BEAUTIFUL gorgeous and absolutely fabulous kittens. Real kittens (ie this is not a metaphore for our children, we've only been married five months people slow your roll)

They are Aslan and Nasrah (too cute for words). Now since we got them, I TOTALLY understand the statement curiosity killed the cat. I swear I can't open a cupboard, drawer, OVEN, WASHING MACHINE (lives longer with calgon*) without one of them trying to crawl in. Its so annoying sometimes cos you don't want to lock them in there by mistake and they poo inside ewwwww.

Anywhoo so I was talking to TOM on the phone (cos I wasn't home and he was) and he must have opened a cupboard to which Aslan proceeded to waltz in. TOM then tells me and this is the conversation that ensues:

TOM: The cat's gone in the cupboard again
Duchess: I betcha it's Aslan.
TOM: Yeah it's him
Duchess: hmmm, who else? (as in who else would it be if not him).
TOM: No, just him
Duchess: yeah I know, who else (ie same as above, who else if not him).
TOM: No, duchess...just him (he says this like I'M the slow one)
Duchess: No dumbass (and proceeds to explain what I mean)

looooool awww TOM, thank God you're cute :)

* that line is from an advert in a UK commercial for washing machine cleaners. So whenever I hear the term washing machine, I always finish by saying "lives longer with calgon". Annoying, yes I know but TOM understands me.



  1. O I want to follow but its not letting me for some strange reason. Must be my net.

  2. hey Miss K (It rhymes) As salaamu 'alaikum. It says you are following me (purple orchid not gold shoe which I love by the way) ;)
