Saturday, 20 November 2010

co-wives and other business

So TOM went to a walimah yesterday (may Allah preserve the brother and his wife and strengthen them in love and Rahma towards one another) when I started thinking about the issue of co-wives. So when TOM was sleeping, I decided to take Umm Umar's advice (thank you girl *smile*) and started asking him questions.

Duchess: So TOM, what's her name?
TOM: *snoring*
Duchess: TOM! What's her name, your second wife?
TOM: *snoring*
Duchess: TOM, dammit, (kicks him) what's your second wife's name?
TOM: *sleepily* what? what?
Duchess: TELL ME her name! your second wife?
TOM: Tony?

looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool I was rolling on the floor laughing *wipes tears from eyes*


Side note:
If I don't blog for a while, then know that I was killed as TOM has forbidden me from putting up this post. HE WISHES!!!! Miss K, please call me every few hours to check on me.


  1. Hey Duchess, leave the poor man alone and STOP being so evil!

    First it was the food and now his sleep.

    Coming between someone's sleep and food can be DEADLY so watch yourself.

    PS; its still funny though Looooooool

  2. looooooooooooooooooool I know I was laughing so hard. what a doughnut! :)

  3. LOL!!!! My husband talks in his sleep at times too... not when I ask him things, but on his own he has done it some times.. The latest was one night I got up to go to the 'loo' (that's what you call it, right?.. I'm trying out my British vocab.. ;b) and as I walked past the bed he shouted... "Who's that!" I was like.. "What?!" and with one hand in the air (he was sleeping on his side) he waved.. "There, Greg!, the astronaut!" At that point I just knew he was off circling the 'moon' or something.. ROFL!!

    Good one Dutchess.. Good one!!! ..just don't worry about co-wives... not worth loosing your sleep over that!'s only Shaytaan 'bugging'.. don't give into his game! :D

  4. loooool @ your husband. they say the funnies things.

    and well done on your british accent! it is loo :)
