Friday, 3 December 2010

Wedding & Friendships

I was looking back on my wedding photos with all my friends and sisters and subhanallah it was such a beautiful day.

I especially wish to thank Miss K as subhanallah EVERYONE should have a friend like her...apart from her "honest days" ;) I just remember her getting up early to go get me the wedding nasheeds and then coming over and fixing my makeup and hair.

Loool it's so funny that she fixed my hair cos I remember when we were younger than this, I used to say to her "Miss K, I'd rather die than have you fix my hair" and she would say "you watch, you watch, one day, when you need me, I would rather you go bald than touch your nasty hair" and then on the day, I was like "Miss K come on man" OBVIOUSLY she had to cuss me down first but she did it tabarakallah.

Honestly that proper brought a tear to my eyes.

I was looking over the pictures and remember that ALL my friends came through for me subhanallah. Even those who drove down from outside my city Subhanallah.

May Allah reward all of them for their journey and bless them with the highest of Jannah and I ask Allah to make us friends in the akhirah as He has chosen us as friends in this dunya.



  1. How sweet!!! ...I don't have any pictures of my wedding day..:( It was a beautiful day and so many people came and I got dressed up 3 times!!! ..simple, but special!! ...neiter of us wanted pictures taken... my family was devastated, as you can imagine, Non-Muslims cherish their photos... but we felt it was the right thing to do... Today I wish I had taken just ONE... if anything, to be able to remember that at least for 'one moment' in my life I had hope.. and I was happy... Yah Allah!! How soon do we 'wake up' from such dreams!! :S

  2. yeah, my hubs didn't want pictures as well but his family really did and so we took some and I'm glad I did cos looking back on it, it was such a good day tabarakallah and it reminds me of such wonderful friends that I have. Alhamdulillah xxx
