Sunday, 16 January 2011


Why is it that in Islam, it seems that men have rights and women have patience? Why is it that we have to constantly extend and extend our endurance but all that seems to do is increase the demands?

I think seeking jannah through one's husband has to be THE most abused concept. Where is our rights and our needs being met? Why is it when a sister asks for that which is BASIC from her rights, she is seen as demanding and "dunyafied" but in the same breath, we have to be patient when rights are being demanded for?

I get so fed up with brothers whose wives are on benefit (state funded support eg welfare for the americans I think) wanting a second wife because of the "fitnah". Where is your patience akhi? Where is your fulfilment of obligation that Allah has placed on you? But this is from his right isn't it? He is only safe guarding his akhirah.

Yet a sister asking for, I don't know, separate accommodation from her in laws, not a mansion but even a flat so that she doesn't have to share her room with her two growing kids subanallah. This sister, only asking for her right, to safeguard HER akhirah is told to have patience. Where is the justice in this?

And we wonder why the ummah is in such a pitiful state. Wallahu'l musta'an


  1. I couldn't agree with you more!!! that's sooo trueeee and sad, to be honest. I wonder what we can do though, ?

    I know myself personally I wouldn't stand being told to be patient and patient all the time, I would have gone LOCO!

  2. HI5 for the topic. I wish; just wish that I could write my every thought on this but I can't because I have to do something.

    Rights are soooooo abused in our communities. And sadly; us women are usually the poor victims...not always...but mostly.

  3. @Normal, I know what you mean. I can be patient insha Allah but if I see that I'm the only one practising this, there has to be some SERIOUS conversations around the table. I will not allow no man to make me depressed! Thank you for reading x

    @Miss K, the rights ARE indeed abused subhanallah and I wish the scholars could address it in more detail so that there is fairness for all parties xxx

  4. Ahhh. This is such a big subject in the USA, but I didn't realise it was also a big problem in the UK. Considering that one of the conditions of polygyny is to be able to afford another wife, it is ironic that someone would consider it fine to keep all on government housing and welfare. If the government is paying for the second wife's home, food, etc. then the government is her husband!

    One thing I don't think anyone should do is give up or forego the rights that Allah has given them. Who are we to say we don't need the things Allah has said we need? Who are we to say that others don't have to meet Allah's requirements? Perhaps if those men had enough initiative to get a job, they would also have enough to increase their emaan and taqwa and then the fitnah wouldn't be such an issue.

    The scholars are already talking about these issues in the US...and perhaps in the UK as well, wa al hamdu l'Illah.

  5. It is indeed a huge issue in the UK, I know and have heard of brothers (here in the UK), married to two sometimes three wives and ALL are on benefits and its so sad subanallah.

    You make a valid point indeed Mai when you said that who are we to say we don't need the rights that Allah has afforded us? Subanallah!

    Barakallahu feeki for your comment xxx

  6. Assalamu Aleykum,

    I totally agree with you sister.If one wants more than one wife, he should be able to provide for them all, or else he is the one who should be patient until he can afford Polyginy.

  7. 'Alaikum salaam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh hun, I totally agree with your comment may Allah reward you. Patience is not only for the woman subhanallah xxx
