Saturday, 8 January 2011


As salaamu 'alaikum my dear sisters,

I hope this finds you well and in the best of eemaan.

My mum always said "seek the du'a for the people cos you do not know who Allah will answer their du'as"

I am in desperate need of your du'as. My husband and I have something extremely important to conduct on Tuesday Insha Allah. Please please please make du'a that we are pleased with the outcome and Allah is pleased with us.

We are extremely worried.

Barakallahu feekum



  1. Okie Dokie, inshaa'Allah I've got you covered!

  2. Barakallahu feeki habibti <3 May Allah give you everything you are wishing for and make it good for you in this dunya and akhirah xxx

  3. A special Dua' reserved just for you :D I hope everything goes well with what you and your hubby want ! :D

  4. Barakallahu feeki hun, may Allah bless you and elevate you in ranks in jannah. Subhanallah we are extremely worried and Allah is the best of those who deals with the affairs of the believers. xxx

  5. Keep your thoughts and tongue busy in Adhkaar on Tuesday... InshaAllah I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well. Tahajjud... Istikhaara... Salaatul Haajah... Whatever the outcome, it's in Allah's hands. Hugs sweetie!

  6. Jazakillahu Khairan my love, yes this is the idea Alhamdulillah. I will be busy as well asking from Allah but may Allah reward you with khair in this life and the akhirah and relieve all your worries xxx
