Sunday, 2 January 2011

Allah is the best of those who provides

Subhanallah, yesterday, I was so down as a result of certain situations that I find myself in.

I vowed to myself that my complaints I would take to my Rabb as He is the only one who can aid me in my afflictions and ease my hardship.

Today, I woke up for fajr and then after, I attended my Qur'an class and then Allah bless me with something that subhanallah I suspected but didn't want my heart to believe.

Please remember me in all your du'as and ask Allah to please keep my husband and I in this good state. I ask Allah to aid the believers and ease all their affairs and pour upon them patience in all their hardship



  1. As salaamu alaykum my "royal" sister.

    Ahhh! The proof of the ayah, "Verily with every difficulty there is relief." Truly Allah never ceases to amaze His sincere and faithful servants. May His blessings increase, may He keep you and your husband in this beautiful state, and may He mend the ties of kinship between you and your family - ameen!

    It sounds kind of exciting, your "blessing" and something immediately popped into my mind...but I'll just wait, impatiently, until you spill the beans, inshaa'Allah.

    Much love to you!

  2. wa 'alaikum salaam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh my beloved sister,

    Barakallahu feeki for your message and you are very right subhanallah the ayah is very apt and I ask Allah to keep us upon the straight path.

    As for the second part of your message looooooooooool. wouldn't you like to know ;)

    (I am so rubbish at keeping secrets subhanallah *roll eyes*)

    But please ask Allah for us to make this for us in this dunya and a means of attaining His Pleasure in the aakhirah. xxx

  3. :)... I'm right there with Mai!!! :) :D :D :)... *giggles*... :D

  4. looooooooooooooooool ok now i KNOW i am definately the worst secret keeper ever ;) tabarakallah

  5. ..your "secret" is safe with us! Hugs :D

  6. barakallahu feekun :) ((hugs)) xxxx

  7. Don't worry, Umm Umar and I are super sleuths, ROFL!

    Anyway, it's time for my tahajjud...the dua' for you is first on my list! La! La! La!

  8. loooool. aww Barakallahu feeki Mai and may Allah accept all of your du'as and bless you with Jannatul Firdaws xxx
