Wednesday, 5 January 2011


Allah gives and He takes and He is the best of those who disposes of our affairs.

I went to see the nurse today and it turns out that I was wrong in what I had assumed (re: last post). I cannot say that I am not disappointed but Alhamdulillah. We are patient with the Qadr of Allah.

This just means that we increase in our du'as and we strive more in getting closer to Allah and subhanallah this is from the beauty of this deen that in everything, there is benefit. When Allah blesses us, we are grateful so we attain His Pleasure. When He tests us, we strive to pray harder so we can attain His Mercy and Forgiveness. Subhanallah.

Subhanallah my husband has been very supportive in this although he was very happy when I had told him the news (the first time). May Allah reward him for his patience.



  1. MashaAllah... Qadr Allah!!! It will come.. soon enough and at the right time!! Hugs sweetie!! :D

  2. Barakallahu feeki ya umm Umar, Insha Allah. We just have to be patient. Hugs to you too hun and I hope you are well and everything is good with you xxx

  3. Al hamdul'Illahi Rabbil aal ameen!

    Oh my darling, it seems that the things we want the most are the ones that Allah tests us about! He uses our biggest desires to force us into patience! Although you know it is all part of the Perfect Plan for you and your hubby, it is hard to get excited and then be let down. In fact, that is part of the test because we are told to expect the best from Allah, and when it doesn't materialize as what WE consider the best, we feel let down.

    I used to think my thinking was off (think my thinking...hmmm, not sure about that but never mind..) because over this past 2.5 years I would get pregnant and then remind myself to think the best, so I set my mind that Allah was gifting us another child. Then, when I had a miscarriage, I thought, "Okay, the child wasn't best, the test was." After a while (well, perhaps 3 or 4 miscarriages, lol) I finally got it that my acceptance of His Qadr and saying al hamdul'Illah for the test of the miscarriage was His best for me...because it was an expiation of my sins and an elevation of my rank in Jennah bi ithn Illah.

    I hope that makes sense...but anyway, a chunk of my heart is with you on this and I pray that soon after this little blip, there will be a beautiful relief - ameen!

    Love, hugs, kisses, and dua',


  4. awww Mai, As salaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

    Your words have truly touched my much and I ask Allah to bless you with relief also in your patience. Barakallahu feeki. I do not know whatelse to say but my heart is truly heavy with gratitude. xxx
