Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah

Barakallahu feekun my dear sisters for all your du'as and well wishes.

Subhanallah, my husband and I went to go sort out the important issue that I had mentioned last. Allah made it so easy and we were pleased with the outcome.

I might mention it in a few post Insha Allah but right now, it is still too painful to talk about. Please remember us in your du'as and I ask Allah to bless you all with jannatul firdaws and make you amongst the most pious of His 'Ibaad

Duchess x


  1. Allahu Akbar! I've been waiting to hear...and I'm so grateful that Allah has sent you His infinite Mercy! Ameen, thumma ameen...and may you be right there with us - ameen!

    This is the most wonderful start to my day...jazaaki Allahu khayran!

  2. Alhamdulilah, that's soo awesome :D You're still in my Dua's:)

  3. Barakallahu feekuna my dear sisters subhanallah it has been a heavy burden on my mind but Alhamdulillah Allah is the best of those who disposes of our affairs and He handles things just at their right time. We can now get on with our lives my husband and I Alhamdulillah :) xxxx
