Saturday, 1 January 2011


Story of my life.

Although I should be grateful. There are others in much worst situations than me Subhanallah. It's just...when you're going through something, its hard to invalidate your own feelings by thinking of those in worst situations. It's like thinking of them doesn't alleviate you of your burden or lighten your heavy chest.

I don't know, maybe I'm just selfish. Perhaps others are better than this.

I'm just so fed up with how people only thing of their own happiness and comfort. I don't mind. If my happiness will affect you and yours then fine, of course, no problem, think of yourself first. This is human nature after all and I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't do the same.

But subhanallah, when one prevents another for no reason but their own selfish vision and regardless of the other's pain they are adamant on that path, what is the wording for this?

I'm getting tired now on this road that seems to have no end. It's like every step I take, thinking I am finding an exit, I stare even further down a road that darkens as it lengthens. I have laid down my weapons. I have no fight left in me.

I hope you are happy. For my sadness and anguish is what feeds your joy.


  1. can your sadness and anguish feed my joy?!!! Today has been a very difficult day for me... I even blocked off the blog for a while.. I need a mental break, but for some reason I came to yours to see how you were doing.. perhaps hoping for one of your funny stories... and then I read this... Now, since I don't know what the problem is I can not send any good advice your way.. and if I had any good advice I would use it on my own first, so there, I'm out of answers today!!! Please hang in there, and pray, and pray, and pray... at least you don't have kids walking all over you and demanding attention 24/7.. so I'm sure you can squeeze some 'alone' time to ponder and reflect... and while you are at it, please send some 'good vibes' my way please!!
    LOTS of hugs your way..

  2. awww Umm Umar, may Allah ease you and make you never have cause to grieve. I always look forward to your comments subhanallah barakallahu feeki.

    I'm just having a really hard time at the moment with my family (ie my mum and brother) but yes you are right, I just have to be constant in my du'a and dhikr and Allah will always provide a way out for the believers xxx
