Tuesday 28 February 2012

New Year's Resolution: revisited

So far, not so good :(

Haven't really started on anything I wanted to do. I don't know why i am so demotivate these days :(. I'm a person who used to have a get up and go attitude but...I don't know, I'm not up to much and its really depressing.

Will keep you updated Insha Allah

Wednesday 15 February 2012

New Year's Resolution

Now I'm not usually one for New Year's resolution and all of that palavar but this year, I decided that you know what, I've been living quite aimlessly for the past few years. Waking, sleeping, waking, sleeping and before you know it, I'm a year older, not a lot wiser and if I'm honest with myself, I don't feel that I have grown much in my deen.

As a result of this, I have resolved with a firm resolution that I am to pen down my goals and ambitions for the year to come. Well into of February. Cos I'm a bad ninjabi like that ;-).

I usually set my goals before the end of Ramadhan to meet the next Ramadhan but I always seem to lose motivation and keep procastinating my starting date till the next Ramadhan meets me with nothing much achieved.

Even this post has been started and relegated to draft more times than I care to count but I promise to at least finish this post today. Insha Allah.

So this time, I have decided to shame myself into publicly declaring my goals in the hope that it would propel me to actually actualize them or at least go forward in the hopes that they would see life outside of my head.

I am nervous and scared for this goal will inform my fears of whether or not I am destined for failure with regards to goal settings.

*big sigh*

Here goes:

Ok, I can't do it. The thought of public humiliation is one I can do without. I have however reached a compromise with myself in that I have written down my goals in a book and will update you insha Allah as to whether and when I have fulfilled my goals.

Please remember me in your du'as :D
