Sunday, 5 December 2010

Of ignorance and men!

Carrying on from the picture theme, I sent TOM the pics from our wedding. What had happened was, because we are muslims, the wedding was segregated and so the men's side was somewherelse completely.

Now when my friend's sent me pictures of the wedding, there were some pictures that weren't family like those with my friends in it without hijaab. So TOM was forbidden from going into the folder with the pictures until I sorted it out.
When I finished sorting it out, I had labelled the folders "Mahram" and "Non Mahram" and because I'm currently at my mum's, I had sent the folder labelled Mahram to TOM and my father in law to see.

When I spoke to TOM that night, I asked him whether he had seen the pictures and he had replied in the affirmative. Then I asked him what he thought of them and he said he couldn't look at them properly as he was at work. This time, he starts acting weird so I knew something was wrong. When I finally dragged it out of him, I was quite frankly disappointed.

What had happened was TOM was at work when he got the pictures and out of curiousity, he logged into the surgery computer and had a look at the pictures. But he couldn't look properly cos he had to log out as men might be passing by.

When he saw one of the nurses (an old woman), he said to her to come over so that he can show her his wife at our wedding, When the nurse saw the pictures, she goes, "Oh, she is black?! (like she didn't know)" then she goes "oh wow, she's pretty" and TOM said the way she said it like she was surprised that I am.

At first he thought he was being paranoid but then one of the surgeons who had heard their conversation said "No but what do you mean, some black people have nice features."

Now this disappointed me cos I thought subhanallah, these are supposed to be educated people talking like this. I mean I know the surgeon meant well and she was probably trying to defend me (or TOM as the case may be) but her comments were not in the least bit helpful. And don't get me STARTED on the nurse!

*sigh* I see we haven't moved on from the stone ages!



  1. Oh dear, dear Dutches..... I'm not surprised at these people's remarks at all...if I knew you lived in 'other than' the UK I could probably come up with some 'wise excuse' for their obvious 'blunder'!!... but unfortunately I cannot.. Centuries of racism & bigotry cannot be erased overnight... or in my opinion, ever! This is when we should pause for a second and say "Thank God I'm Muslim!!!" "Laa Ilaaha IllaAllah!!!" :D
