Tuesday, 14 December 2010


Relationships are tricky.

As humans, we form various relationships with different people and as such, are defined by the names we give to each relationship we occupy.

At school, we are students as opposed to teachers so we occupy a role of submissiveness in the face of authority. We are daughters/sons, friends, sisters/brothers. As we mature, we form relationships with those who we find a common interest with and shared goals so we become wives/husbands and mothers/fathers if Allah wills.

Relationships are tricky. The more strings we add to our bows the harder it is to juggle the rights of all upon us.

Sometimes we get it right and subhanallah, it is like there is nothing better in this world. Our family are happy with us and our choices, our spouses are pleased with us and our love, our friends are happy with us and our loyalty...

But then there are those times when nothing seems to be going right. Today seems to be one of those days.

I cannot be ungrateful subhanallah. My hubby is good tabarakallah (and may Allah always keep us so), my dear friends are also good Alhamdulillah (and may Allah always preserve our friendship) but my relationship with my family...subhanallah that could be better.

I feel like nothing I do can make my mum happy. I just can't seem to find the middle ground with her. Whatever path I decide to take, to create my own happiness seems to be full of pit falls and disappointment and I am well and truly drained.

And when this is so, there is nothing worst in the world.

Khair Alhamdulillah. We are patient for Allah's Mercy. I know everyone is tested in different ways so perhaps I have it easy but this realisation doesn't make my situation any easier to deal with.

I just wish I had my mum's blessings and happiness.

Today was not a good day :(


  1. I'm so sorry to hear you "down"... I also used to have my "issues" with my mother.. It seems all women do at some point or another... but you know what?! No matter how much your mother disagrees with you one thing is for certain SHE LOVES YOU!!! ..you might not understand why she gets on your nerves.. or why she can't seem to 'see' your point of view.. whatever it is, you are her daughter and YOU WILL UNDERSTAND what I am saying once you become a mother, InshaAllah!! Remember that "Jannah is at the feet of your mother"!! So whatever she tells you, please try to "brush it off"!!! I know you must be "rolling your eyes" by now.. lol But the truth is you are a married woman now!!! and you have YOUR LIFE with your husband now.. your own family!! So whatever decisions you take (with your husband) they are YOURS and they should not need anyone's approval.. not even your parent's!! I know it's much better to have their "Blessings".. as you say, but remember your home is with your husband now so be happy!!! InshaAllah, as the years go by, and as you keep showing the respect your mother deserves from you, she will turn around, you'll see!!! It is difficult for parents at times to recognize their children have grown and have a 'mind of their own'.. but in time, once they see you are well and how things have 'worked out', everything will be much better with them!!! ...I've been through that road... so these words are from the heart!!! So "Cheer up matte"!!! Hugs :D

  2. awww jazakillahu Khairan hun. Honestly this comment has truly cheered me up looool. I just wish I had read it sooner before I lost my cool astaghfirullah. Barakallahu feeki hun xxx

  3. It's ok Dutchess... just "start from scratch" right now!!! ..and don't forget to make lots of Du'aas for your parents..especially your mom!! It's a good habit to have and very much liked by Allah!! InshaAllah because of this, your children will be inclined to make Du'aas for you as well!! :D

  4. Jazakillahu Khairan hun what an excellent idea. Subhanallah I should make du'a for us Insha Allah. Barakallahu feeki once again xxx
