Sunday, 8 January 2012

I'm back...hopefully Insha Allah

As salaamu 'alaikum my wonderful blog family,

Subhanallah how I have missed blogging and my lovely sisters.

It has been a while. Almost a year to be exact :). May Allah make us of those who have benefitted from the past year although, I cannot say that I have done much for myself to be honest.

So much has happened since the last time I blogged subhanallah. I found out the following month (March) that I was pregnant with my little bubba. Had THE WORST MORNING SICKNESS in the world. TOM had to endure the most bratty of pregnant wives ever (good times, good times :D). Went back to uni. Pushed out a baby and here I am masha Allah.

Bubba is gonna be 1 month in a few days insha Allah and I'll put up my birth story in another post. He is THE MOST gorgeous young man EVER tabarakallah. May Allah preserve him and make him amongst the righteous and perfect his character. May Allah bless him and increase him in khair and honour him with jannatul Firdaws. Allahumma amine xxxx



  1. AMEEN, AMEEN, AMEEN! Wa alaykum as salaam wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh.

    I've got tears in my eyes, I am so happy for you, mashaa'Allah. May your son be a pleasure to Allah every day of his life - ameen! Welcome back and welcome to's hard but one of the most stunningly beautiful things in this dunya!

    Al hamdul'Illahi Rabbil aal ameen!

    Barak Allahu feekum!

  2. Allahumma amine Mai xxx jazakillahu khairan

    @ Daisy xxxx
