As salaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh my beloved Sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my beloved buba's birth story. May Allah bless him and honour him and make him of the inhabitants of jannah.
I woke up on Tuesday, 13th of December feeling a bit of contraction but it wasn't that strong AT ALL so I thought I would stay home from uni and not go in cos imagine if I went into labour? Getting towards the evening, the contractions started getting stronger but not unbearably so. At around 3am, I woke hubs up and told him that I wanted us to go to the hospital as my contractions were getting stronger and I thought my water had broken (I had thought my water had broken like a billion times before that but that's another story *roll eyes*)
So we got there and went to the birth centre and the midwife checked me and said that i was just discharging and my water hadn't broken. I was also not dilating even though my contractions were getting REALLY PAINFUL at this point. My contractions were also coming really close together but weren't lasting long ALLAHU AKBAR!
So they sent me home.
I then called my mum to tell her that my tummy was hurting (cos I was too shy to tell her that i was contracting) and she was like "MAMA!!!!! You stupid child! you are contracting! TELL THEM YOU ARE CONTRACTING!" I was like "mama, they know but they are sending me home"
So we get home now and hubs goes straight to bed and i just couldn't sleep cos of the contractions as they were getting stronger. All of a sudden, my water ACTUALLY broke and i told hubs to get up as we had to go back to the the hospital. This was at 7:15. I called the hospital, went to go shower and freshen up (cos I didn't want to give birth smelly) and we went to the hospital.
As soon as we got to the hospital and I got out of the car, my mum called me. Now in my head, there was NO WAY I was giving birth that day so when my mum told me that she was in a cab coming, i was like no cos they were just going to send me home. I didn't know my mum was on a war path LOOOOOOOL! So she was like "what do they mean they are going to send you home? I'm gonna come meet them this stupid NHS! I'm coming for them! Hold on!" I was like "mama, i have to go cos i'm having another tummy ache"
As soon as I got into the hospital room, I STRIPPED off and the midwife checked me and told me I was only 2cm dilated. I wanted to cry. This was around 9am and my hubs came in after he had parked the car. The midwife left and I turned to hubs and said "I'm sorry fatih but I want an epidural" he then said "hauwa, you told me to not mention an epidural but only you know what kind of pain you are in so if you want it, i'll support you in that"
So when the midwife came in, I said to her "GIVE ME A C SECTION" hubs just said "what the flip??? how did we go from epidural to c-section?" loooooooooooooooooooooooool. The midwife said to me in a sweet voice "oh honey, we can't give you a c-section cos baby is fine and so are you" I was like "I'M NOT FINE! AND IF I'M IN DISTRESS, SO IS THE BABY! GIVE ME A C-SECTION" Just then, I felt a contraction hit me and I reached for her but she thought i was going to punch her and she flinched looooooooooooooooooooooooool so i said " I wasn't going to hit you" and she goes "i know" but you could see she was scared loooooooooooooooooooool miskeenah
Finally, I asked for pethidine and she gave it to me and it made me drowsy. When I woke up, my mum was in the room so i started saying to my husband "i love my mum, she is the best" loooooooooooooool then i'd fall asleep again and wake up with the pain of contractions. After like 20 mins so around 9:45am, I said to the nurse, i feel like pushing, i dont know why? she was like "no you can't, don't push" my mum was like "CHECK HER!!!!" LOOOOOOOL
When the midwife checked me, i had gone to 8cm masha Allah. When hubs heard this, he started crying and my mum, being a true african who doesn't like overt showing of emotions, said "Ya Rabbi, why are you testing me with these two?" ie me and my hubs looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
After another short while, I went to 10cm and so started pushing Alhamdulillah and before long, he was here tabarakallah. I was only in established labour and delivery for 54mins tabarakallah.
Once upon a time, boy meets girl, girl meets boy. Boy and girl get married. Boy loves girl, girl loves boy and this is their misadventure. Enjoy Tabarakallah!

Sunday, 8 January 2012
Birth Story
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Wa alaykum as salaam wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh.
ReplyDeleteMashaa'Allah,that is hilarious! What a blessing that it was so quick and easy in the end. Sounds like you are blessed with a body that efficiently pops out babies - mashaa'Allah Allahumma baarik. May this be one of many who bless our Ummah with righteousness - ameen.
Mashallah Sister!! May Allah bless u and your new family. May he keep your little guy safe and I hope he brings many blessings upon your family...
ReplyDeleteMy little guy was born on November 13th. It truly is a blessing from Allah...
oh wow! congrats on the new baby manshallah :-) and welcome back!
ReplyDeletebarakallahu feekun my beautiful sisters <3 Alhamdulillah Mai, it was very quick masha Allah although while i was going through it, it seemed like forever lol but Alhamdulillah it was quick masha Allah xxx
ReplyDelete@Daisy, masha Allah congrats and mabrooks. May Allah bless your new family and make you all a means of jannatul firdaws for one another Allahumma amine xxxx
@normal :) thanks hun xxxx