Monday, 14 February 2011

It's been a while

I haven't posted anything in a while and so I miss my fellow bloggers.

Hubby is going back to work tomorrow (today if you want to be pedantic :p) May Allah make the transition of being at home for two months to work easy.


Sunday, 6 February 2011

Passive aggression

I cannot STAND passive aggressive people subhanallah. This is the reason why I LOVE Africans. When they are aggressive, they are actively so. This can be quite frustrating but at least you know where you stand with them.

With others and unfortunately, SISTERS, they can't just be straight with you and inform you of their grievances. Rather, they have to be bitchy and underhanded in their dealings. How can we genuinely cultivate sisterhood when we are all suspicious of one another's niyyah and words?

This disease has even permeated our naseeha to one another. It is like we are trying to get one up on one another as opposed to just giving naseeha for the sake of Allah subhanallah. It is really quite frustrating I tell you.

For instance my sister was once approached by a sister at the masjid whose kids were being the BIGGEST BRATS EVER Subhanallah!!!! What happened was, my sister tried to control them and tell them off as any sister would but then, their mother comes and rather than approach my sister and speak to her, she starts making bitchy comments at her saying she was masculine in her ways and should try and be more feminine.


Wallahu'l musta'an


Friday, 4 February 2011

Follow the leader

TOM and I had been at my mother in law's house now for like a week. It started off us wanting to just stay for the weekend but we kept postponing going back to our house everyday and it's been a week now.

So this evening, we wanted to have tea but there was no tea bags and since it was way past maghrib, my younger sister in law and I asked TOM to walk us to the high street to get the tea bags. As there were four of us on this journey (TOM, me, my sister in law and their first cousin who is sleeping over since her mum is in cyprus for a week), we had to appoint an ameer as per the hadeeth of the Rassul salallahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

ANYWAY, we get the tea and we are on our way home but TOM was being SO EXTRA with his leadership duties and we were all getting a bit fed up. So we are walking home and are about to cross the road:

TOM: No, we are not crossing until the ameer says so
Group: no can we cross here please
TOM: Not until the ameer says so
Sister in Law: But we can't cross up there cos-
TOM: NOT until the ameer says so
SIL: But TOM, we can't cross up there cos of the road works
TOM: Listen to your ameer
SIL: *getting fed up* I'm crossing here!
TOM: (after seeing all of us start crossing) ok we can cross here now cos the ameer says so

I was in stitches. When we got home, I told his mum what had happened and she was like "my poor son, he was outnumbered" :P
